From Diana to Kate Middleton: The Royal Family's favorite recipes (2024)

Have you ever wanted to eat like a Royal? Well, why not try one of these recipes. From Prince Charle's beloved brunch of cheesy baked eggs to Kate Middleton's favorite sticky toffee pudding and the meals William and Harry used to enjoy most as young princes, scroll through to make them yourself. Note that these recipes are in grams.

PRINCE CHARLES' CHEESY BAKED EGGS: Prince Charles has been Patron of the Speciality Cheesemakers Association in the UK since 1993, so it's no surprise one of his favorite dishes is heavy on the cheese.The Prince of Wales, 71, posted a step-by-step guide to creating his favorite brunch of Cheesy Baked Eggs on the @ClarenceHouse Instagram page.

INGREDIENTS, SERVES 1: 100g wilted spinach, 1 egg, 35g strong soft cheese, 1 cherry tomato, 15g grated hard cheese, 80ml double cream, charcuterie (optional).

METHOD: Butter a small ovenproof dish and line with wilted spinach, making a well in the center. Place the cherry tomato (quartered) on top of the spinach. Dot soft cheese around the dish amongst the tomatoes. Add torn basil leaves. Season with salt and pepper. Optional: add any charcuterie at this point. Crack the egg into the center of the spinach. Pour the double cream over the egg - avoid breaking the yolk! Sprinkle with grated hard cheese and place in a hot oven (180 degrees) for 8-10 minutes.

KATE MIDDLETON'S STICKY TOFFEE PUDDING: Former Royal chef Darren McGrady revealed his recipe for the duch*ess of Cambridge's favorite dessert, a sticky toffee pudding.

INGREDIENTS, SERVES 6: FOR THE PUDDING: 6 ounces medjool dates, pitted and each cut into about 8 pieces, 1 tsp bicarb soda, ½ pint boiling water, 2 ounces butter, 6 ounces granulated sugar, 1 cup Scharffen Berger chocolate chunks, 1 egg, 8 ounces all purpose flour, 1 tsp vanilla paste, 1 tsp baking powder. FOR THE SAUCE: 11 ounces dark muscovado sugar, 7 ounces unsalted butter, ½ cup Scharffen Berger chocolate chunks, 9 Tbsp heavy cream.

METHOD: Prepare the sauce by adding all of the ingredients to a heavy based pan. Stir over high heat until everything is combined. Bring to a boil and simmer for 4 minutes. Pour about 1 ½ cups of the sauce into a greased 2 pint pudding basin and allow to cool. Save the remaining sauce to pour over the pudding. Place the dates in a bowl with the bicarb soda and the boiling water. Stir until the soda dissolves and leave to cool. Steps one and two can be done a day ahead. Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, add the egg and vanilla and keep beating. Fold in the flour and baking powder followed by the date mix and chocolate chips. Spoon the mix into the bowl on top of the cold sauce. Steam the pudding in a double boiler for about 1 ½ hours. When the pudding is ready, reheat the remaining sauce. Invert the pudding onto a warm plate and pour over the sauce. Serve with Clotted cream, whipped cream or Ice cream.

THE QUEEN'S CUPCAKES: To mark the Queen's birthday last year, the monarch's personal pastry chefs shared their chocolate cupcake recipe. The Queen is known for being a 'chocoholic' - but is said to only indulge in small portions to keep her trim figure.

INGREDIENTS, MAKES 15: FOR THE SPONGE: 15g vinegar, 300ml milk, 50ml vegetable oil, 60g butter (melted and cool), two eggs, 5ml of vanilla essence, 250g of self-raising flour, 75 of cocoa powder, 300g caster sugar, 10g bicarbonate of soda, 100g white chocolate chips, cupcake cases. FOR THE BUTTERCREAM TOPPING: 90g of high percentage dark chocolate, 100g butter, 125g icing sugar. FOR THE ICING: Pre-made Royal icing, food coloring to create different colors.

METHOD: Preheat the oven to 150C. Combine the flour, sugar, cocoa powder and bicarbonate of soda into a mixing bowl. Whisk the eggs in a separate jug, with the vanilla essence, melted butter, oil, milk and vinegar. Slowly add the wet mixture into the dry mixture, little by little, ensuring the batter is smooth with no lumps. Add the chocolate chips (alternatives could be nuts, dried fruit). Lay the cupcake cases onto a tray. Use a metal spoon to equally divide the mixture into the cases. Bake for around 15-18 minutes, take out of the oven when golden and springy on touch. Leave to cool. For the buttercream; cream the sugar and butter together, until light and creamy. Add in the warm melted chocolate. If you have a piping bag to hand, pipe the icing on the top of cakes for decoration (otherwise gently use a teaspoon or small spatula to ice). Royal icing method; If decorating with Royal icing, roll the icing out and cut into circular disks. Lay the disc over the cupcake and mould to required shape.

PRINCESS DIANA'S COTTAGE PIE:Darren McGrady, a former chef to the Queen who became the princess’s personal cook, said cottage pie was probably the most requested dish from Princes William and Harry when they were home from school with their mother.

INGREDIENTS, SERVES 4: FOR THE BASE: 2tbsp vegetable oil, 2 small onions, chopped, 700g (1lb 8oz) minced beef, 80g (3oz) plain flour, 1-2tsp dried thyme, to taste, 480ml (17fl oz) water, 1tbsp liquid gravy browning (from supermarkets), 2 beef stock cubes, 1tbsp Worcestershire sauce. FOR THE TOPPING: 900g (2lb) (peeled weight) medium red potatoes, a pinch of grated nutmeg, 4tbsp double cream, 1 egg yolk, 55g (2oz) butter, 2tsp salt, a pinch of ground white pepper, 100g (3½oz) grated Cheddar (the Queen likes mature, but the princes preferred mild).

METHOD: In a large pan over a high flame, heat the oil and sauté the onions until soft and translucent. Add the beef. Once browned gradually stir in the flour, thyme, water, gravy browning, beef stock cubes and Worcestershire sauce. Reduce the heat and simmer for 30-45 minutes, until the sauce has thickened and the meat is tender. Remove the pan from the stove and use a slotted spoon to transfer the beef to a large baking dish. Leave to cool. Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan 160°C/gas 4. For the topping, place the potatoes in a pan and add cold water to 2.5cm above them. Cover and bring to the boil over a high heat. Lower the heat to a simmer and cook for 20 minutes, until the potatoes are fork-tender. Pour into a strainer and put the drained potatoes back in the pan over a low heat for 1-2 minutes to dry them. Mash the potatoes until smooth. Stir the nutmeg, cream, egg yolk, butter, salt and white pepper into the mash, then pipe it on top of the meat using a wide nozzle, or spoon it on and fluff it up with a fork. Sprinkle with the grated Cheddar.Bake for 20-30 minutes, until the mashed potato is golden brown on top and the pie has heated through. Gently reheat any leftover sauce in a pan, if you like, and serve alongside the cottage pie.

PRINCE HARRY'S TREACLE TARTS: Former Royal chef Carolyn Robb said when Prince Harry was very young she used to make mini treacle tarts for him - and kept a supply in the freezer so they were available at a moment’s notice.

INGREDIENTS, MAKES 20 SMALL TARTS: FOR THE PASTRY: 120g butter, 2tbsp golden caster sugar, 240g plain flour, zest of 1 orange, 1 medium free-range egg yolk, 60ml cold water. FOR THE FILLING: 400g golden syrup, 150g fresh white breadcrumbs, zest of 1 lemon, 1tbsp fresh lemon juice, 2tbsp double cream.

METHOD: In a food processor, pulse the butter, sugar and flour until it resembles breadcrumbs. Grate the orange zest directly into the mixture, then add the egg yolk and a little water, while pulsing the food processor. Continue adding water until the dough comes together – do not over process. On a lightly floured board, form the pastry into a ball. Wrap in clingfilm and chill for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, warm the golden syrup in a small heavy-based saucepan; do not let it boil. Remove from the heat, add the breadcrumbs and lemon zest. Leave it to sit so the crumbs swell. Roll the pastry out on a floured board to 3mm thick. Cut out 20 circles to line 20 tartlet moulds, or use 2 x 12-hole muffin trays, and press the pastry down well into each mould (keep any trimmings for decoration). Chill for 15 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180°C/ fan 160°C/gas 4. Add the lemon juice and cream to the breadcrumb mixture. Evenly distribute the filling into each tartlet. Decorate the top of each with small pastry shapes or a lattice of pastry strips. Bake for 15-18 minutes. Cool in the moulds for 10 minutes before removing. Serve warm with whipped cream, custard or ice cream.

PRINCE WILLIAM'S CHOCOLATE BISCUIT CAKE: This was a firm favorite in the royal nursery, so much so that Prince William had chocolate biscuit cake at his wedding for his Groom’s Cake. It was designed, made and gifted to him by McVitie’s and is said to have been made from 1,700 biscuits and 17kg of chocolate!

INGREDIENTS, SERVES 16-20: FOR THE CAKE: 340g butter, 160g golden syrup, 50g unsweetened cocoa powder, 100g dark chocolate, 1tsp pure vanilla extract, 60g unsalted pistachios, de-shelled, 100g soft dried figs, sliced, 450g digestive biscuits, crushed. TO DECORATE: 300g dark chocolate, 50g white chocolate, a selection of small chocolate sticks and Maltesers.

METHOD: Melt the butter with the golden syrup in a heavy-based pan. Do not let it boil. Remove from the heat and add the cocoa powder, dark chocolate and vanilla. Stir until smooth and glossy. Add the pistachios, figs and crushed biscuits, and stir well. Line the base and sides of a 20cm round or square cake tin, or a 450g loaf tin 16cm x 11cm and 7cm deep, with parchment. Pour the mixture into the tin and press down well, including into the corners. Leave to cool then cover and chill in the fridge for 2 hours. When set, remove from the tin and place on a wire rack. Melt the dark chocolate and white chocolate separately. Spread the dark chocolate over the cake, leaving a little for drizzling later. Decorate with Maltesers and chocolate sticks before the chocolate icing sets. Dip a fork into the white chocolate and drizzle over, then do the same with the remaining dark chocolate. Serve when set.

WILLIAM AND HARRY'S MOUSE CUPCAKES: Former Royal chef Carolyn Robb said these mice hold a very special place in her repertoire of children’s food as they were the first thing she made for Prince Harry and Prince William, when they were just three and six years old.

INGREDIENTS, SERVES 12: FOR THE CUPCAKES: 2tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder, 115g self-raising flour, 115g golden caster sugar, 115g soft butter, 2 medium free-range eggs, 1tsp pure vanilla extract. FOR THE CHOCOLATE GLAZE: 50g milk chocolate, 85g butter. FOR DECORATION: 12 marshmallows, miniature marshmallows, white chocolate buttons or flaked almonds, flaked almonds, cut into thin strips, tiny white chocolate stars, Smarties or M&M’s.

METHOD: Preheat the oven to 190°C/fan 170°C/gas 5. Place 12 paper cupcake cases into a 12-hole cupcake tin, or use individual tartlet moulds. Sift the cocoa powder and flour into a mixing bowl. Add the sugar, butter, eggs and vanilla extract. Beat by hand or with an electric mixer until smooth. Divide the mixture between the paper liners so they are half full. Scoop out the middle so that when cooked the cupcakes will be flat and do not have a peak in the centre. Bake for 12-15 minutes, until springy to the touch. Leave to cool. Next, melt the chocolate and stir in the butter until glossy and pourable. Add extra chocolate if it needs to be thicker. If the tops of the cupcakes have risen, cut them off so they are level. Place a little spot of chocolate glaze in the centre of each cake and then stick a marshmallow onto each one to form the head. Spoon the chocolate glaze over the marshmallow and on the cake so that both are covered. Before the chocolate sets, stick the mini marshmallow eyes and nose onto each mouse’s head. Also put on the chocolate buttons or flaked almonds for ears, and flaked almond strips for whiskers. You can do further decorating around the top of the cupcake, using the little stars, Smarties or M&M’s.

ROYAL CHILDREN'S 'LITTLE SAUSAGE MEN': This dish was a favorite on the nursery menu, but has also been known to venture out on Royal picnics as a cold sausage man.

INGREDIENTS, SERVES 2: FOR THE SAUSAGE MEN: A little light olive oil, 10 pork co*cktail sausages, 6 small pieces of broccoli, 2 cherry tomatoes, 2 button mushrooms or the ends of a cucumber, 2 parsley leaves, organic tomato ketchup (optional). FOR THE MASH: 1 medium russet potato, 75ml milk, 30g butter, salt, freshly ground black pepper and a pinch of grated nutmeg.

METHOD: Heat olive oil in a non-stick frying pan. Prick the sausages and fry for 10 minutes, until browned and crispy. Once cooked, keep warm. While the sausages are cooking, peel and dice the potato, and cook in boiling, salted water until soft. Drain thoroughly. Place the milk and butter in the pan in which the potato was cooked and bring to the boil. Add the potato and cook for 1 minute. Using a fork or potato masher, mash to a very smooth purée and season lightly. Lightly cook the broccoli in salted, boiling water for 6-8 minutes. To assemble the sausage men, you will need one sausage as a body to which you attach 2 sausages to one end for legs and 2 sausages at the other end for arms, using co*cktail sticks. For the head, use a tomato, onto which you can secure either a mushroom hat or a cucumber hat. Use another co*cktail stick to attach the head and hat to the body, with a parsley leaf under the head. To serve, put a mound of mashed potato onto each serving plate and either sit or lay a sausage man on it, or you can stand them up by propping against a high stack of mash. Decorate each with 3 pieces of broccoli and serve immediately.

THE QUEEN MOTHER'S OUEFS DRUMKILBO: The Queen Mother had a remarkable appetite for food and drink and her best loved recipes came doused in double cream, expensive liqueurs and brandy syrups — and yet she lived to be 101.A picnic favorite of Her Majesty’s, Oeufs Drumkilbo is described as 'a posh prawn co*cktail and egg mayonnaise wrapped into one'. The dish provided hearty ballast for afternoons of vigorous walking in Scotland, and was served at the wedding breakfast of Prince Andrew and Fergie.

INGREDIENTS, SERVES 6: 450ml mayonnaise, 4 diced hard boiled eggs, 225g prawns (cooked but chilled), 225g diced lobster (cooked but chilled), 3 diced tomatoes (skinned and de-seeded), 1 dessertspoon anchovy essence, 6 drops Tabasco sauce, 1 dessertspoon tomato puree, 4 sheets leaf gelatin, 150 ml warm fish stock.

METHOD: Soak the gelatin in cold water, then dissolve it in the fish stock and allow to cool. Place the mayonnaise in a bowl and add half the cooled gelatin. Add all the other ingredients to the mayonnaise mixture and stir carefully to combine. Place it in a china or glass bowl and chill until set. Glaze with the remaining gelatin, decorate at will and allow to set. Serve with fingers of brown bread, mustard and cress. For a modern twist add avocado.

QUEEN'S MOTHER'S TIPSY TART: This brandy-soaked tart loved by the Queen Mother provides the perfect excuse for a boozy tea time.

INGREDIENTS, SERVES 8: FOR THE TART: 100g dates chopped, 150ml boiling water, 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda, 125g butter softened, 225g sugar, 1 egg beaten, 150g plain flour. FOR THE SYRUP: 100g sugar, 50ml water, 1 teaspoon butter, 1 teaspoon vanilla essence, 25ml brandy (and a drop more to taste).

METHOD: For the tart, preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas 4 and grease a 20cm pie dish. Soak the dates in the bicarbonate of soda and boiling water till soft. Leave to cool. Cream butter and sugar together with the egg. Sift dry ingredients into mixture, fold in, then add dates and walnuts. Place it into a pie dish and bake for about 30 minutes (until a skewer comes out clean). For the syrup, dissolve sugar and water on the stove until the mixture has thickened a little. Remove from the stove and stir in vanilla essence, butter and brandy. Pour syrup over tart and serve with cream or ice cream.

From Diana to Kate Middleton: The Royal Family's favorite recipes (2024)


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