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- Shawnee News-Stari
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SIMI-NEE -WARNING NEWS-PAGE SEVEN- likodOMMININEMPAI I klrf P1440k 1-1ANIK? SHAWNEE WHINING NEWS TITESDAT OCTOBER 4 1121 0101Miszik OR SAIi3 by owner 8 r0000m' CLASSII modern one of the best built IIED)lFhomes in Shawnee like new inside and out good location lot 75x150 ariveway garage shade treeo clear WANTS title Look it over and make an title Look it over and make an OCTOBER 4 1121 1 HANK and PETE I I II I i -J offer mr8 Harris 1103 East Main 11 1-3t It-Eq 41SviEM) '7'ES51PkV11 BC21t4C Us -fOCZKEL PLEN-1V oF 4 I'M 5099V Bufi csoflsvpstJIN spwo 14E NIAI-TEIL 11-AZ Too PAsis5- CPIVD i3QqAC ot4 1AERkpl-0Q0st" IHN IN k5cr 'iS 1 AI 1 BCZIt4 us -razKEL vsik-ri-k pLENIV OF Cc-VC-t" I'M 5099V Buf I SERLItPN" SNIO -114E N1N1-CFQ 11-AEN It-AZ TOOPASTS CPIVD 00 -1-kE 0-ctC'140Q0S1" I 1-11ENI -A'K 1 wANNA AEV 'P co*ckoo s1-0Q-1 -s 3us1r 1-kRQC) -to INTIQNCPkts1 1-C(J9AS1S Wan' IWO fkiMSTAOSZWIe ENOSIMINNI 5-- WM-CEP 1-AcvN API -00 -11111 1 1-r) I c-rsi a vso-w4I-Ati -I ELL 'IP CO0'00 S-ro 3us-r 1-kRQS) --to fxviQNCPktsi T009AS-15 Wan' IWO A 5ZSIAOSZAtsrie c' -It-4 Ros-raINNI NPA-TEP- -rA-CrN API' 1-1()N16PaY?" -r ALL 2Ao-k--r SPWO los-r S1 VZEN 009 coFFEE DEINVAPNRY MO BILL" 11-0S CAUSZD BOSS To C14111 Po41) So 100Kr S411111111 It4: A ALL 2Ao-k--r --Iv-k t'iwszAcyktt Spkkt los-rsw VZEN 009 CCFFEE 1 141) DEtNUAARN'e MO BILL" cNiszti -114f 90Ss To EL C14111 1t4D1 SO --ck-k-E-1 'FSt101-1 1-fkJ -74 IP' SZAUNt-IS A 009- RY MO -rut 41) SO Fort SALE 3 room house on South Alinnesota Call at 113 East Seventh 2-2t One and one-half cents per word each insertion A minimum charge et 16 cents made ton ads run one tat oily Copy must be in 67 I to insure proper classification If received after that hour alla will rtn "Too Late to Classify" AU want ale are Min witn II words or lees one time--1160 II words or less two timea-----16o 16 wordi or lees throe times-610 11 words or lees four times---Ido 111 words or lee five times--1110 It words or leas seven times-1136 FOR SALE Six room modern house Small paymentdown balance easy terms Oat East Seventh I-7t i WN tos5 cPsinZ PoID 1-VE AP-0 -11-IEa Ccr'49Lfmtql spAD -ns CF cNs1E q00 c11201: WIT CAN'f 13t Do NIT ()S5 IP BUT IF You cfm-4-r rC OPM Cv -0-E cHiNA CAqi LFCut( A -4) 71 1 Il toehoto fot i 4 i A-21' Licip -1-ity ii '114Z t-ir)S 5 CPsyl) osiD -4t-tT1k k-VE AP-0 11-Ea CC149LfMtql OE 1 Ili i '4u'4 SPtD 'I CAt4 CWE '100 A CIROF is WIT 1 CFtsl-f FL3t 1 i 1- 1 ttl its 00 Ne-f POT 10 LISS IP IF i --V Or' 's lz-- kil i 48 "lb --k s'A Frs ctliNA-kt) CA 1 1 --o -4 I 0 A 1 I be 1 -N -Li 4 1 2-- 4 cz --ia- 1 yr -1 1 I c1: 47 1 7 71 tstj ''''I'sn'I'77' ck' I F-CUtYPIliN ------77-- ---f I 1 1111" 0-- )4 Ille 47" -7' -7 i -1 i 1 I lilt 111 411 WI 1 1k ma -'7-- )-2 1 7w7- --cx--rz----- I Itre i 418e1gA001071 A-21 8 Feet Ilevtro foc liCiP 1 4 i F011 75060 residence int 900 hinch East 'Alain Call 904 East Seventh 2-3t rOkt UAL DELP WANTED (MALE) high school or 0 1) IT boys for afternoon work Apply Tuesday afternoon 1 Airdige Co FOR river sand delivered to any part of the city Phone 891 or Inquire at 215 North Beard atreeL If-Imo HELP WANTED (FEMALE) 2 11 WASTED AT ONCE IN 0 mnn who can do family cooking at City Cafe at Meeker Apply at 307 South Minnesota Shawnee Fort rooms household furniture leaving city 239 South Oh 11111(Mia: 1-3t NO I COAL 91090 per ton delivered 9ro at car Phone 34 Shawnee Transfer Co Bennett Nilo 31-He FOR gas cook stove and two heaters at 312 North Harrison 2-3t 1 tiELp WANTED (MISC) a baby IVemt i FOR SALE buggy Leaving elty 213 Tenth Phone VAL FOR tor nr syrup 1411- 11'1M ShilWnPe Candy Co t-ta CIVIL SERVICE examinations for clerkships Postal Mail Service 125 nionth1ge 11 upward For free particulars dates write Leonard ((miner Civil Service examiner) 1137 Equitable Building' Washington 1-3t POSITIONS wArinso rosyrioN boolikeep'Pr or as attendant In doctors office Not a stenographer but can tine typew)iter Phone 1553 fled Croms hom*o Service 27-11t POO RENT (Rooms) FOR hENT Furnished rooms modern totes by the week Iteagel Rooms East Alain Phone 11175' 1141-7t IICELL-1111017 a UPHOLSTERING REFINISHING and furniture repairing nPatlY done Phone 1908 Kimbell Hotel 127 It Broadway Full line sample 20-Imo -it 1 --1 PLAIN SEWING and dress making of all hinds Tailor Shop over Public Drug No I 244mo FOR adults threea0oril apartment and garage Phone 1509 l'Ott furnished moms for honsetteeping with private fanillv -824 North Louisa 1-34 MATTRESSES MATTRESSES J1' you need mattreas don't fail to see us M'e will make your oM ones as good as new Free'' delivery Shawnee Mattresi Co' 416 South Lincoln Phone1273-1 24-1moSYELL DMILER clean out and repair guaranteed Howard 516 Louisa Phone 290-R 2 8-1mo tOR RENT Modern furnished apartment for housekeeping with private entrance 228 Union 728-11 1-at FOR furnished bedroom kitchen privileges if desired 511 Doug lao Mrii Rorer 2-31 IF YOU WANT goOd up-to-dat phimbimr done eall phone We are Independent Plumbers 2-7t NOTICE TO PROPEler OWNERS Hillerest and Hof (man Addition who arc interested in getting cost of sewer reduced leave $5 at Cozy Barber Shop with Chapman not later than Wednesday nig ht Committee 2-3t FOR housekeepina rooms to couple close In Ili East Tenth 2-at LODGE DIRECTOEv I 1 TN11- rp SIlasrip'isparent Nit and Airs ile in oncord titOrict Sunday CHAMPION OF TIIREE COUNTRIES AFTER AM ODD FELLOWS who live Weat of Mrs Hopkins lira Lillie anti wit tite ra a 0 La Waelc age Profit ERICAN CROWN A1H ales in th last hall hour LODGES i town They kit for their home children visited east of town Sun- woos ot a weal part of the dayl Sunday evening ativaltoo SttAWNEE LODGE No 55 I a SIIII'ty tdritors at Floyd Camp Air and Airs Pete Gorgas re- Ilt i ni i 1 1 meets every Thursday night at bells were Ali' and Mrs: ay Cas- turned front Colorado the first of o'ciock ELI LITTON i visible sitnely or eorn helped to ral- L'' no ns tik ersged higlior HAMILTON SeeretarY teel and $on Jay Jr Mr and week ty Imo Vol-a mitt kq ()atm merely SRAWNEE SINCAMPMENT No 28 I Mit- Leslie wow and goo Car11 The 'Arlington lanies will serve I lIt rot-tooted tlie tliall'24H 111 whzat anti meets first and third Fridays of Air and Mrs E-dgar t'ampbell and 'lunch at the sale Wednesday each month at 7:80 o'clock TOM 'Alist i Elsie Wright otner is building a new 1 FORREST WYLIE 1 Air and sirs Cleve Austin vis- garage 7 ho and a a I 4111t rt aerie fie Scrlbot 1 clettse in the sto-1 of lard here SHAWNEE REBEKAH LODGE yr Red Dienes in the country Sunday Airs Toten is staying With her -3 Mrs hen and children daughter this week 271 meets every Tuesoay night a1 3 CO 4 riti Ileport o'clock MRS NELLIE BEST i returned the last of the week from! Alt' and Airs 1 lelina visited at i''' i '-i NEW Wet or the' 'it SIRS ANIS ARENSmAN Oklahoma City where they had Jo Alurrays Sunday Mr and N't sl 7' tkli4-' 1 'Ioeqt heel lapel Wel Secretary 3 I'14 1' 'v e' It i it been visiting relativeS and attend- 'Murray accompanied them home it vt-itt 3 1 e'llosllitir N1'1'II of the hr alo havi sng some for a ew days' stay dur ing hich ootton xeliange rune today in von ing state fai Azt4t 1 11t ti11 II 1' 'll 11 11 111 liiiiiiiation cif the dental work done for one of the Alurray will work on the new -of--- '0- I 'P '4)4''' '4( -ii'-''l'-o ati nen 's crop 1-peort fter an SPARKS I 1 little girls i bridge v7' 4 1 art rise or Iltilla I eltreOrt lone Aliso Zella Bowman is reported I Alnong th joy Eiders sunday ozt 4 4 1 41 I11 it 1 it i being much bettor at this writ- i were Mrs Crary son and daugh- t'i" et 1 t11 -ail to 195 Ie1le llestio Mra (i DANIVI lug tel and Airs Ora Anderson Correspondent 1 This is one year that the farm- and childr en Frank ant i Jake t- St tt4 3 3 1 ti ot lio 1 a --A I boe i 1 ers will have most of their cotton Ituth and Rena Curtis anti 't 14 i'-' ti a Ittlyult im $lcg 3 0 xto dation tbat the figure' out of the fields before it even Charles Martin and (laughter Aliss i 0: The weather Mall la dealing us i frost as the army worniii ate 11 '11FAva -47 41 i 4 --11 loo it iiisilition of forty or 1 'A' '1t7' 44 ift: th" arlital neutes or out a nice brand of weather this I the leaves off of Ifni rottontastalks 1 7t0 1:2 It '-r Isl t111 on to okerte -1 week: cool nights which are ideal 1 giving the sun a chance to shine l''11 '51-xrdit" ti it and I i 4 11'1 III r01' sleeping also cool days mixeil I in and open the bolls which other- i it iv hi i it iiii i in or- with bright sunshine which are 1 wise would not have opened until SE131INOLE 1- 7 i I I 2197 te for those who are pic king cot the ft-ost had killed I he 'Payee Oft the boll eevils ru 04ALK ined so 1111AnT I 4 74 Ilti loi tio simol l' ''7 10 Little Veva Daniel has muc et on very of the cotton that there Correispondent ot v4I f) I- 1 for a arid achy' Months gonerativ the mirk list this wt'ek 'Nasal even ball' as much to pick i 4 i ksy1 vz I I I (1 fl(1 II losses ttt Altos Sidney Pester field visited as in former years Sevet at of the it to poott i Airs Jane (-asteel Saturday nigi7t1 farmers will get through picking 1 1 rtss r4 picking cotton for Edgar Mr an Ai rs "Latent hv ae been this week end 'ampbell Several of the friends nds of Mr and Alra at en this wek ttf't 4 blrizt-1 -1 CeC 1 -I 1 i- i't Iiiivimi with retat this week Herman Bishop of Ada was i 4 1 7 1 1 i i i In in Ito lot- ratt hotiazia I Niro Mullins went out to see their 1 Sevtrill 'of our Sparks masonm at- new house Sunday 1Seminole Saturday and Sunday yds- 3 L'ik' l' 'CAL ''0 ro wt f' nato: ined ee III tended the state fair Saturday The aley brother a ere olit en- i Bing relati ves ami fr iends 1 1 3 '''3 '44 l'i 4tZ '1 froot or the ootion hoards The- A Turner ei i port pointing 10 A 11" been wuriiiii4 a iladereYele ride -'lladaY" I Charles Riddle of Oklahoma City 1 if3t--4 his territory in the south part of A larlle trOWti la expected to he I i seotiaide iit ittid I A ')i ll 'mit txHS only' the County this week I at the Ray Burns' sale Wednesday I i I t' 3-1' 3: siti above tio iiolago of the Ivan ilowles wa is ationting Arthur Johnson was an Oklaho- Tt people of Sparlts who had 1 opal ill troytiee 01it unday -1''42yl'Irs' -7- 7 Al "'ow" ''''''1111v 1s11I and ma City Fr it ay and atur- known Air Nicely of Payson 101 SO I I '3144''''' iit-ii 4--- ''111111- fullew'd isitor poidootte1 i vvith home folks at tiro: ol the figures was airs in altrt ta lon John noull 6'4 ritly ere saddened to hear of his! 11s 1 essie N11oeto of okiitio i Vii i 037 3 bietly to li 1t quidation or seectliftiff as I Emery Campbell anti Ray Frazier death ant i-itt IV ith frintis '0'1: I'' "0" Lir 'ttett mo00-1-94 too ts were visitors at the Holland 1101110 family their deepest sympathy Cit te and extend to ills bereaved In Seminole ''''4 I 1 Saturday night and Sunday I Air Fonquet had a load of Null I Ernest Bruton of wewoka was a New ()Henn" 4otion Airs Paul's furniture was sold 'Seminole visitor Sundav at 0: ::1 2: NEW INIEANS lief on the streets Saturday afternoon Mr anti Airs Charley Arnold anti tea a 1-eorla 1111114111 11111allt in town Saturday 4 1 With Jesse Wright as atictionepelttce Iscitilinlitilirteypnivtiestitne(r)lonrelatives itt to John ilorfotan and Tom Citap- tt- and wide fluctuations to 111O cotton The fanners union at thim man motored to Shawnee Sunday inarisot rito LIIIIIIIPI rteldd ea tele kliSS Ctizill Leitch Iltitilt Crunch aml Canadian woman golf a i- zit fteptionn I too rill tzz Pia piinta ordered a car of t'otil and alao al The niorles Sattirday night were immediately following th eandition car of potatoes Sitturday Lentle 1 'Wilma Berry and Gladys Brame cliNnipion pitotoerTited on the etnir-e of the Hollywood Comity Chu) Neighbors acting as business man-1 -1 wen '-'Itnve visitors Sitturdav at Deal where she will Ill ay in the Am erican tutu toornit int a 1I 0 Born to Air and Mrs: 1 Coed- f'hastain yin leave Tiiiistt' mi Lutteh will is ton iuhtedly the est woma gol fer ill tbe woHil puio Interesting aw oh ratotary ha 1111111 10a 1111t Ager Tbey will meet again next er a tiew baby girl sunday for Teitamaeh where lie will eater today iii picked hy ow experts to annex the loiletictin title She Inc not rifle fillet mit ttim pre- o'1 Week RI! order and ral Heavy allagher rame down deteated Miss Atexa stirling the 'defending champion three 11111P8 t1114 vrolt1 11 sill! totoo groceries They are savitir1 the 'iroin Chandler Sattii'dat-Irr'grrintfulel 1wurnSett olltilli NI" 011e' i al'11111 l't II le poiniv at tillit i IN Rose of Butner was in farmers a great deal on their gro-1 Sunday with his brother John Gal-1 tyot and in mans was 29 to 4X 1 k3enlinoie Fa turday transacting olio Miller lb e' Hese eV Fiat week- eeries and feed as they can buy 11'0114111E18S 1 hi Tie: boos I leer: I Itt lite later liteling blue tone was flour at from one to two dollars! Rom a a velum nd le no Daniel i salt Stu A I et ftt atft deltrr Was a satwnee i a vs- stetidlor an the mark ertin in cheaper through the exchange at lagher Clij ii- )11 -II I 11 41 SI! a LI lit leadt 4 ik LI I iorii-lil II i $1 oh inshte net gains the tra-111114 Oklahoma City daya' absenee thah they ran from returned to titifttrtt 1 itoe ohn 111-ggIns of 'W vokit ilas in IN a svii 0 be ot-d Tbe a IIIII 1" 18 1 ill tow 1-1 1 is tv II II all "I' I '''l "'It" 1'1" their loral merchanta 1 gri41440 te I I anti Gall agher and 1ilan jofieciadnivpilswitiling her aunt Seminole Friday and acted as Itedd linesman at the football game 2 too Had lli I' Iii Iiiiiiiitry statidoli4 at Ai 1 1 i 2 4-1" 4 'dr I Ill I Itn 0'1117 Elm It 'a childreit-avere state fair visitors Mr- anti Airs Stint) 'Friday While there Air Gallitglier I perans ate getting lino now I sold his registered Hereford male Bee! iftier ant Niarguerite Eitizer 91111MOMMENWORISUEleuvittigrogareo ti it Ik iliv111 I 11 I I 14 iit I 1'1111 Air and Airs Sant Gordon have Ito a arm in Eastern Oklahoma and adopted it little orphan hay tom west Sham nee isitors Stind(v ell4 Drug Store---1 he Preskelt tile Mall Will collie after Will ill alum orphanage at Oklahoma City i 1 I 0114 Uri" al 111 adf all1la 111M1 Si 1A1131k Li i ritOli 11til it 7 1-to-111i olt few days and Airs Tolen VISitel at I low home Saturday The little 1 Ain Gordon bringing the little lel- Is ii tw12t i1hi $7 l'I' 1 i' s1 Thr: as l' MaI111411teint-eu liet nti i I 1 Costner's Sunday I fellow will bilve a good Itante with Cu of Shawner Altos Bertha Chtisty and W'illialn i mt and Mrs Gordon er of Shawnee witl he in :1 I 1 clii 0: tat -11oni Ssim pit id I1! I I 1 hrehv giv'n that Football Nees-- limiter Lititeas- 1 Moreland were married last Thurs- 1 i 1 in the I atho- to rysoding tile dom-Ito it-Ltbit st t- day at the bottle of Rey Cansier Thillett' r')Iitataelitilitstis ter mho in' Chandler nit's l'oMalVt No tine Dill's Addb Altos Mae Collins and EiZa Leak ter pitrt of the week (learnly were fair visitors the lat: gpaitilitceti(I2Atttl'Aiileitliaay paid ill It: led i 111S 104 11- hrwr bolls het I 01 kI II In I I'' Pri 11o 1 11 cit- Of StillW1140 vere married the ISth of Septem- I says a 11 that be sti7-i motets most 22-at ca one ront not lilLIIIl 1) kv-I lonvt thritil 18' 110 I 1 I I I is1 11 1i 110111y owners lienefit1 by ll ber at Paden 'Mrs 1Aali is IL I 11)t tO triti ihtT Si iett it illSg is on the ln-tober ifith to 1-3 and NE IN: 1aY tin) assogstilent ehtiif)ed against (laughter of Mr anti Alt's Aaron 1s lioninghatil vaille home: ttot tint of last Friday's game was boll ty 3 1 11 I 1 wilI rAlt a alWitinpfl ShOtilder hilt he is ithie tr4 holis I I 11 I') 1-! Coin Ilit11 i '11 I or laurel of ground to tho (011itla Sp near arks I from Shamrock arock Friday to lilt out tor practice t-tol- top si to oat oat i i to Trzziatiro TI Contrty'ttit Mr and Airs Atillard ilall came 1 rpent the past two weeka lull it V14-elot Iki III ta It tt 41: I :110 t1- I WI I 11 12 WIII -'1 1 lacel ll i of la iferent clown from Davenport Sunday to miss Gall went to Davenport 1 W'eleeflia A large rioW(I I 1 1 I I 1 2 tig le! a '1" I It! th 1 It ose paying during HMI hirtY visit his parents Alr and Mrs Friday Alltre site was called by risiiiit) al 11 it 1notio th 14111V po I of boosters are expected to make 'lll" 1ta 4-0 ad ot i I i ie al la it Ilan who live just etist Of 1 tatWitnis o' t-teod oonsei: laid dot i Ind rood at ite Px- 1 Airs Garlitial tile operator fitl111" trilt with tile Ittaill the death of a friend iiits 1t oh 1: I ittnithal to tills date wilt town oor IiII elLS lel -'') ''I'-' "I tt to tod 1 tio I omit- Treasurer as a Air and Alva Gortion Shari) and i get rut of worms In chit- i- 1 I I I 1 1 11 I I 1 1 II i 1 1 f- HI neti I little (Laughter Helen (lame nil 1 tiou well she await at -tt the night shift has returned front i tit a tin give them NA lute re int ont I I ill: I )-111 tor flire yea's with eight from Oknollgoe Saturday evening -opk I IP" the iVille111'1111'1t'Clisgea t- Tnt 1 Illtitilll': -'er' iiklaill 1ittt 1::1: I I I I it on a Ft it 1 ot 11i II in i 1 'obi is IttAt in FS' Sha and stayed all night Ivilb Aira I ma anti Airs EJ Dittman are rp 's in ithnts Air and i Ars 1 proud art at of a new baby girl I toty oit Lati- comet healthy active and robust: TLC 't 'I n4 '0 IL Hall Then Sunday morning Sunday i strong di lo of lea i I ii I l'1 l'' 1- Prire 35c Sold by' oit 1 theV went to sPend tile ditY i'l iil Joe Curtis wife and daughter vIst otihne Drag coAi tv (Author 4 ssd 15Ih 19-2i ---r Api vn Ili a xv-ic ono Prfit Lit Ili a I'S ill II la-I hall hour win ill 01 a 1 glad t)art of the finiya ailVa 'It'f Stiiin 101' il aill ill Ilia visihh supply of corn helped to IY tit( corn noir It ()ztts laeloly 14ited ti tilaw24H in lira anti corn PI ovisions a era oel i vi It Is and as a 1 erill It of'-soltiO fie ci vas in I he stoL of Iiird Iwro a i It Cos ritfietst Croti Itepitre )-( )1K (1t 3 --t nic or thi i illoyl In pal trill Aoll1114 illoVIItioll I a '1 :0 01 II 41o'lacilial Suariiolla or the 11n xliani r11-no today In con- I 1I Ion it it tio Iniblica i he on 1r 4 11t'nt's roli 1-nort A IIPE oin 4 a rk ris 4 till 11ila I p*rnort hunt i' 1 lortii in oh inli11 1 I tin 111 it hin inn tin lis it i vi0 kw I I'! 10 195 1 Illtd heett 1'00 (1 POO IVH 01 i he 11il k) 1 a good I at i lit16illi4 ill 4 III" I( I kal that lit area t111 Ii a onditri of fo-iy or 4 ondr 1 in atna 1 fje a9 ar 4'1 '4' i fl t4111 on the In ok vi it and tos I U11 llo ttiotrhot 1 i whloo-d it II sIlit: or- i 1 ilr l) miiiI acts which i i tool oxiiiiiitly $i-511 to 2197c 4 a 111A- lin11 i 4111i I or l11 4IIla01 011 Ili 1 l'il iirly liphirn -Itininvd to I 21 a nd a II VI' 'all lie I Iv rc ion I IS wi 11 ll for ii lostqm (1' I ii nottilt Almost ns qunddy (is it efilliO the rush of liquidation and tlp I null It 1)ann atadi 1 on I ii buying Iv Mt 1ovri 4 in the let- i tor 014 III iirtthoril L4 iinliaOS 4 rowds of tradr: vro litwil up In ot Ito collon hoards I I 1111101i 111)011 point ing it to ron of ::7111111 lin lis it ((Illy 111il IN' i tooVi III a 1 ag Of PI All rcnorIs inl Iv isstiI tind j'' In: o1 ling hoi ollowd ptitriorja" ti11 "I Ili ficurs was al trtinit3rd 61 3 hii to lotoulatioti 4 Fecuintivo A I FOR gaiagte at 133 Draper Call Mi $500 a month 2-3t BEDROOMS well furnished a Imo 2 downsta Ma front lig ht housekeepink rooms 302 North Philadelphia 2-71 FOR furnished rooms for light hotmekeeping modern 217 North Brodaway 2-3t 111001FINGt1 FOR RENT Three unfurnished housekeeping rooms modern and BIRD'S ART CRAFT 1-tOOFIN4 over furniahed one sleeping room No your old shingles with a tilt year 302 North Deli street 2-3t I guarantee Thousands wtftheig01 your old shingles with a tilt year uarantee Thousa nds use several here in Sbawni-e Have crew of men doing work tere wok and will give you low figure Call Air Anderson at phone 15o Norwood Hotel and leave nutnber for estimate Oklahoma Roofing Co Oklahoma City FOR mouth sleeping room in mortmm home nuio parauo Phone 293-J 228 South Oklahama 2-3t FOlt RENT---Fornistwd or unfonishd MOMS 112 North Drtiper 4-3t FOR liENT--Two lurnishq1 downstairs light housekeeping rooma 331 North Oklahoma 1-2t 1011 HOUSE 511)VINO and Set' Ben k4t ell 518 South Park Plume 1431 4-lino FINANCIAL PRIVATE MONEY on real estato Liberal options Want only high class security Charles Wells Lawyer Elks building 21-1mo FOR housek epping rooms dose in: ecrything furnished 1121f: West 3inim Phone 1837 4-Into Two light housekeeping rooms downstairs priva to ent rit nee rates reasonable yhone SI 8-1 4-21 FOB 1-1oom fur-Balled or ta Our i lied apart went at 12814 North Broadway Phone 136 tor wrecking Ws have parts for most all makes of -arm Kenyon Motor Co 128 lIcetb Bell Phone 1928 19-1mo TRY Mack's Radiator Repair Shop for better work better service better price 312 Eaat Main street Phone 310 1-1mo Fon chassis in gnod shape 19 East Dexter 1-3t F011 tin( tulikhert modern rooms tit 331 North rintromtn 4 21 FOR RENT--Two lit4111 homwkeep- ing rooms OE bed rooms 712 North hickspoo AUT05101111F: in first class condition 1011 trade for small city or town property Union Garage 119 8 Unhtn phone 52 g-3t FOR PAINT (HOTTPEllt FOUR ROOMS partly modern good well as tn lighting' and heating Phone 599 2-3t FOR ne Fords faired right Jackson Garage Moils 3tia 23t FOR town hotwo South itttard 1-3t ROOMING HOUSES 12 REN-r 1 1 -----1 1-- REN-r CSAAINC-31 1 1 11 ---171-- 2 cr" BUSINESS OPPORTTINTIES 21 FOR SALE AT A lot and building loratud at OM Retied Known am Harry Johnsonv Blacksmith Siihp litilldinrt 2i) by 100 It 2 story brick alsd tny entire hrksniIthin ntittit tools arid material See Ilirty Johns On 121 Beard '43-1Ino 114EA'5 Alkkark4Eck RENT C'LECTOR PON1 CAT CLAMS COM IN' Up 114E2(5 Atkark4ECk RENT C'LECTOR 0 OM cAY CLums reurn La PA I 6- cLUrT) com IN CM IN! 1 JES FER e170 NANO 110U-- I NI! 1 i ES ITCHIN FER A -Tr I i ft kl rs ios i '1141k-T timcf 5 '3 OF OUR RrINT COLLECTORS REKTEIM tJp ANC) )Etir To -THE HOSPITAL 'THIS wEEd 1141k7 tiAxE5 pun RTIINT nt-LECTORs RENTEN tF ANO )EN TIT TO -11-k 4-6 1-MIS ME fc't 10 SPLI1 so-co wtm AMBOON Am4 NERVE ENOUGA4 coutc-r NOGAN ALLEY RENIV 611 7 10 11 51:11 50-S0 WM AmBocyl wrrH NERVE EOUCA4 70 OLLECT II ALLEY RENIV FOR elefol rooming houso: doing good hominess (' TE411 or term 1121z NV(14 Main VA4AI2AT? CIMME 0' Room TO 5wINC AND CALL 11-k AMBULANCE! ier) VR4AZZAT? CIMME PL1 0' Room TO sNikiNn ANn 011 I 5NTArc AIND AM bUtANCE! I 0 0 BOARDING HOURESI 13 vrowiarrnits 81 BOARD AND ROOM 126 8 Philodulphid Mitt Ed liothkins 2-2t 11 15 ROOMS WANTED SHAWNEE: TYPEWRITER EXt'llAN(tE Fox Dealer Phone 81 Located over Woolworth store 17-Imo cmsaroutt SI i 4 lutp 1 1 fl) fl 16 50 '4!) 501 r---- )1)11 1-- ----)k --z 4 V('Z7st: rt r---1 4 1 's 11L-111- 1III 1 7114 4 -ro 47e) 0 i 2k 1 e) (iivvit) te 1 6 J7 rt 777'" 0 '1 Aitiv I -01: 400 A 1 6 0 'i 'ii 0 7 i 1 i i CPC-i- 1 2-zi li' ----4: ol IV: 1 7: 1' fili-g- 7 )k ---4 I furnished 1ning ton ar line or elose in Prfr near Broadway or Bard Addroya 102 care News 2-2t WANTED To RENT IS Arnhrney North Beard Phono 881-J Office Barn Phone 454 21-tmo WANTED TO RENT I sr 7 room motiet house Will ht of tnte Anytime this month Phone Z-Tt le( lit LE--lettiok 01114 iilk COW real bt rain a4treo1 1-at VA ny invins4 now for ient phone 114 -It WANTED To EENTtot 110SI In Ato nj 110 a NV ith good good Ronte 2 Box ()kla 4-21 BRINGING UP BILL Th C-1-1A HP( LOST LTD FOUND 11 front of Hawk Auto Co lutop of koys on ring Return to mid Al- company 30-2t by JACK FARR IVANTEO TO NOY i Ween Asher and Shawne one Lee Puncture Proof 3234 alitontobile tire Return to Robb It Co neward 2-3t Mt SIVA! I NWrit I' munmrs 42 11 )11 violin vi ith bow And ease Call 231-It 2-31 wANTED Ctood fittot sealtsa Shawnee 1-31 WILT BUY' four or- toont ern noose ovfl I Phone 1473-it I-2t REAL ESTATE() (FARM LANDS) IS FOR sALE oR EENT I neree lttitt Nittentnit ittht he Pold to 410Se II nntt 0 enettrith Na elto ha uu It F1 I 11 1-7t la I Fo I IL piano I ood condi fon Qoo 1 Ea Svon Ii 2-3t ir2k4 gr 0-41PPED IN 4 NcoEL 4k1131 1-441) 4 LYING LS 1-1-4 kg) VHO TOLD -TUE- OF VON 'TIAF tA(C14EL A -4 Ft 1 7E1'1'Ffi'' 4774 -7 mr- 131m vs vioN Sy How Ittkt -Nz pa -410 1-)P kE12 rIGOD 1-4ts L1PE (7 tf 5 Feature Som inc 3 5 r4c21-2- 74: 1 i- 1 a '---c--- l' 1 ci-hppEt) IN 4 NioE1 AD 'T-ot-1-4 Pa i 01-I MO kir I-441) 4 LYING CON-I LS '0-4 6: I I-4P NvEl2 1 kg) VHO I-OLD 7 P130D IN 1 MAE 9Es-r- LIE '7k1 4: VZON z) HOW '''46kt of L1PE 1 -I ----04449bgT- (77-- VON 11-4F G1 tA(C14E I cl 4 r-) 0 4 A I -t- 2 1 1 c4041- 4-4 j- -r--7 -----T-- ---03 I- 1- 4-- 0-1 r(4(2 II -A I'(s 41- Ot6 I Feature Nom Inc 3 1- 0 PIANO TUNINO CALL TAYLOR f)r piano tuning and repairing new and used pianos for sale Phone 43-3 1-1tno 1111CAL PCSTAT (C ITT rILOPERTY) ron sA vllI take ear in as first payment 223 South Park 2-2i 1100 i11MPOi Why not try a Al) in to Morning News and be convince that it will bring the results ron lot 169 North Beard 2-3t 714 ti.
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